Adult & Youth Special Achievements

Check out the statistics for both Adult and Youth League bowlers who have achieved some pretty phenomenal scores!

Ladies 360 Club

Listed below are all Female League Bowlers who have recorded 360 points or more within 3 consecutive games:

Date Name # Score
Mens 400 Club

Listed below are all Male League Bowlers who have recorded 400 points or more within 3 consecutive games:

Date Name # Score
Youth Tiny Tots (3-4 yrs)

Listed below are all Youth Tiny Tots who have recorded a special achievement in terms of score.

Date Name # Score
Youth Pee Wees (5-6 yrs)

Listed below are all Youth Pee Wees who have recorded a special achievement in terms of score.

Date Name # Score
Youth Bantams (7-10 yrs)

Listed below are all Youth Bantams who have recorded a special achievement in terms of score.

Date Name # Score
Youth Juniors (11-14 yrs)

Listed below are all Youth Juniors who have recorded a special achievement in terms of score.

Date Name # Score
Youth Senior (15-18 yrs)

Listed below are all Youth Seniors who have recorded a special achievement in terms of score.

Date Name # Score